Live in London last night supported by the Violets, with a scary angry young blonde singer, and another band I didn't get to see. Never been to Kings College before, not a bad venue, six floors up and right on the river Thames with a good view of all the good bits of the capital from the big windows at the back. However I have made a mental note to throw the lighting guy out of the window - I think I'm still having a fit now as I type this.
Far from it for me to be judgemental and unreasonably sarcastic but the band itself can give you a reasonable idea of what they're like from their names - Finn Vine on vocals (Finn??), Jasper Milton on guitar (hmmm), Owen Dyke on bass (hmmm, ok) and Taxxi on keyboards (Taxxi? TAXXI? With 2 Xs? What the hell is that all about?) The only one who escapes with any dignity at all is the drummer, Edward Harper - I'd like to see him get knighted one day.
Having said that I loved the sixth song (no I don't know what it's called) and I also Girls In The Back which you can buy on April 3 or just listen to here by clicking the big PLAY in a circle.
Saw the Futureheads with Kubichek supporting at the Colchester Arts Centre on Thursday.
Yeah that's them alright, didn't get very close this time did I? Lights were quite nice though.
The venue itself should be fantastic - it's a deconsecrated church - but it's a pisspoor experience. The security, hired by the Arts Centre itself and not an outside company, were one of the worst bunches of motley oafs I've seen at a gig in a long time. For a capacity of about 300 there were about 20 of them, when I'm used to seeing between 0 and 1 for the same number. However I have to be thankful for their stupidity otherwise they would have had my camera and, no doubt, thrown me out - one of them mistook my camera for a phone and told me that since it was a phone I was to keep it but if it was a camera she was to have it. I mean, I was holding it pretty clearly, how stupid can you be in getting confused between one and the other? That's why I spent most of my time taking pictures hiding behind one of the church pillars.
Oh yes, the band - first time I had seen them live so it was good to be there all the same! I missed out at the Leeds festival 2 years ago when they were on at the ridiculously early time of 12.30pm. At Colchester they previewed a number of new songs from their forthcoming album "News and Tributes" which is out in May, and they played a couple of oldies too, including this one.
At long long last I have managed to do a PROPER PODCAST instead of a normal radio show! Still under the guise of my show BOA, which I present with my buddy Steve, you can hear an hour long show by doing something with this, I'm not sure yet:
I think you can click and drag it into iTunes, that should work.
Anyway if you download you can hear some rather choice cuts, viz:
Delays - Lillian WigWam - WigWam Mama Shamone - Over Nightmare Of You - The Days Go By Oh So Slow Performance - Surrender Hookah - To Fill The Days iDou - Perfect Hands for Basketball (Phoenix FM Creative Session, Dec 2005) Editors - All Sparks Chris T-T - Preaching To The Converted (Phoenix FM Creative Session, Dec 2005) Hybrasil - God Bless The Devil Jim Noir - Eeny Meeny Rakes - All Too Human Lorraine - I Feel It MJ Hibbett - Never Going Back To Aldi's Pure Reason Revolution - Apprentice Of The Universe Modern - Closing Door
... and we've also got a competition where you can win the Delays' new album, You See Colours. Has to be worth it for that alone.
This is the first podcast I've put up for easy download and whatnot, so I would appreciate any comments, even if you think it's shit.
I'm pretty sure this is Vic Reeves isn't it? Or is that Jim Moir?
Key of C is his current single which is getting a bit of radio and TV play at the moment but I prefer Eeny Meeny, which sounds like incidental music from the much missed Linehan and Matthews comedy Hippies.